Building advocacy networks for people
so that they have a good life even after their parents are no longer here to stand up for them
Building advocacy networks for people
so that their families have peace of mind about the future
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they are empowered to realise their aspirations and contribute to their community
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they form intentional friendships that broaden and enrich their lives
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they develop stronger links in the wider community
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they are as fulfilled and happy as they can be
ACSYL's vision is of an inclusive world in which we all have the resources we need to flourish and live an abundant life. Although money is not the most important resource, it does have its place. As the French proverb says, "Money is a good servant but a bad master."
There are clear links between poverty, stress, illness (both mental and physical) and isolation. Many parents worry that once they are no longer here, their son/daughter's quality of life may suffer because of financial uncertainty. This is why our service includes helping individuals and families with their long-term financial planning.