Building advocacy networks for people

so that they have a good life even after their parents are no longer here to stand up for them

Building advocacy networks for people

so that their families have peace of mind about the future

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they are empowered to realise their aspirations and contribute to their community

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they form intentional friendships that broaden and enrich their lives

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they develop stronger links in the wider community

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they are as fulfilled and happy as they can be

01989 555006

Safe Places in Herefordshire

28 Jul 2015

Herefordshire Mencap has compiled a list of safe places in the county. These are places where anyone can go if they are feeling uncomfortable or threatened in any way.

We were delighted when Mencap kindly agreed to share the list with us. This is now available as a pdf in our Resources section. To see the list, just click on Resources and then on Safety. If you would like to print a copy of the list to carry around with you, please feel free to do so.