Building advocacy networks for people
so that they have a good life even after their parents are no longer here to stand up for them
Building advocacy networks for people
so that their families have peace of mind about the future
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they are empowered to realise their aspirations and contribute to their community
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they form intentional friendships that broaden and enrich their lives
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they develop stronger links in the wider community
Building advocacy networks for people
so that they are as fulfilled and happy as they can be
If you’ve heard about the ICS and would like to find out more, we can recommend NHS England’s 14th easy-read newsletter. It uses words and videos to explain how and why social care and the NHS are changing in England.
There are 42 Integrated Care Systems all over the country. The Health and Care Act will come out this April. The government is making these changes in order to spend money more wisely, improve teamwork between health and social care staff, and make it easier for people to get the support they need closer to home.
You can read the newsletter here: NHSpublicationnewsletter