Building advocacy networks for people

so that they have a good life even after their parents are no longer here to stand up for them

Building advocacy networks for people

so that their families have peace of mind about the future

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they are empowered to realise their aspirations and contribute to their community

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they form intentional friendships that broaden and enrich their lives

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they develop stronger links in the wider community

Building advocacy networks for people

so that they are as fulfilled and happy as they can be

01989 555006

Autism: Your Opportunity to Speak!

05 Nov 2015

The Royal College of GPs has made Autism a clinical priority from 2014 - 2017.  This gives people with autism, or those who care for them, a good opportunity to speak out.

Specifically, The Royal College of GPs really want to know what you think about the GP service in your area.

Make your voice heard!  Fill in the survey and say what you think about GP services in Herefordshire:

Healthwatch in partnership with the Herefordshire Autism Partnership Board created the online survey.  Take part!  The  information you provide could help to shape the services you receive in the future.